Tips PDKT Create men and women
Thursday, December 22, 2011
It may be just the tips that you've ever tried or experienced it myself, but this time I just remind you who are PDKT for "Do not ever violate the important things PDKT below so you can run a successful and reduce the risk of rejection love you". Steps that I would write the following shall be practiced by you, both boys and girls. In this article, I have separate guide Tips for guys and girls. Please be observed
PDKT successful step for man:
1. Do not Apply Rubber Hour / Late.
Most lazy girl ama guy who likes late. Remember you guys, if she's being the most disciplined ontime.
2. Stop Violating Promises.
Here it is never mentioned. Once you break a promise that was made, it will degrade your image in the eyes tuh girl.
3. The Lebay Speech, No way.
What are you talking about when PDKT, ordinary pliz wrote again, do not lebay. Girls bete ama guy who likes to exaggerate as if he was great. Say a sentence that does not over-reacted. Describe yourself if you are a pretentious kegantengan ga, people who they are.
4. Focus your eyes view.
When he was talking, take care of your eyes. Do not like the left-right, front and back. What else if clay voluptuous girls, would ancur PDKT her. Focus your views to the eye of the Doi (do to the laen), make him feel comfortable with your gaze
5. Eliminate Cigarette Odor / Smoke.
For you the guy who likes cigarettes jamming, when jamming PDKT never smoke in front of the DOI, or try your hand breathing and did not smell of cigarettes. Most girls hate guys jamming ama-smoking.
6. No more Perfume Nyengat.
If you think all this time if PDKT'll need a bath scented perfume, you are wrong. Perfume that makes girls so precisely nyengat eneg. They also need a breathing space. Use a gentle perfume (soft). Not too much, in fact girls prefer a guy smell.
7. Give adequate attention.
Attention is given to the DOI do not overdo it. Just do you think can. Do not ask its frequency of their daily activities.
8. Visit schedule.
If you want maen to their homes ... Do frequence. Make them feel missed, feel like something is missing. Make a proper schedule for the visit.
While the following is a step PDKT for girls who dream guy again dideketin ama:
1. Use perfume aroma of fruit, Do Koyo Cabe.
A guy would rather smell the aroma of fruit rather than expensive perfume. Therefore, try a scented bath or luluran fruit, other than that guy also likes girls who pake ama Baby Oil.
2. Pake Clothes Match, No Dress Bolong.
Wear clothes that you think deserve. Clothing that shows the curves is not the right solution, because it will make him unable to think and talk so nervous. Instead, they will feel uncomfortable and scared, too. Use simple clothes but memorable full-color (kale tipi ya ...)
3. Do not waste your eyes view.
When you talk with the guy, do not discard the eye. Guys do not really like it. You must respond by looking into her eyes, because the first impression is seen by the eye guy. Make yourself comfortable you will look in his eyes. From the eyes down to the liver.
4. Do jaim, pliz deh.
Well ... this is the attitude of most Indonesian girls. Jaim taste great with the tradition of the sentence "The girl has to go first .." it should be removed. Banish feeling jaim you, be a little cool but still show your true self as a feminine figure.
5. Reply attention and their efforts
Every guy will definitely pay attention to the girl he likes. Reciprocate their attention, but do not let their big heads. When thanked, clasp his hands over the business they do.
6. Smile
Show your happy face when the doi maen to home / boarders. In an upset, crying or angry ... try to give a smile to let them know if it comes at the right time (let ga was expelled).
There she is Step PDKT Success for boys and girls. Why are boys more steps that need to be considered?? Because here is the active object, while the girl as responders. Hence, all the above steps will depend on the business guy. But all will go smoothly if the girl also helped respond.
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